
Your Weekly Horoscopes: April 17 to 23, 2022

As we come off our full moon hangover and head into the moon’s waning, reflective period, we can work through last week’s major cosmic downloads at our own pace. Mercury is in Taurus where the communication planet is persistent, practical and sometimes prone to perfectionism. People with this placement tend to speak very thoughtfully and purposefully—check out any interview with Kristen Stewart or Megan Fox, who were both born with Mercury in Taurus—to see what I mean. On the 17th and 18th, Mercury connects with sweet Venus and innovative Uranus, adding artistic inspiration and unexpected parties to the mix. If you’re in the mood to reach out to friends, be careful not to get too wrapped up in someone else’s ego (or your own delusions of grandeur) as the sun squares off with powerful Pluto on the same day.

On the 19th, Taurus season begins as the sun enters the stubborn, sensual sign of the bull. Things are ready to change and grow, but this is yet a sign that we must handle our transformation with care.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

There are many ways you’ve allowed yourself to remain small in the recent past. Whether you’ve been running away from responsibilities or in a deep process of recovery, you’ve been less concerned with being seen and more concerned with just getting through each day. But this week the tides are finally shifting and you’re remembering that, yes, you are kind of a big deal. Don’t miss this opportunity to brag a bit.

This week’s mantra: “I’m kind of a big deal.”

1 taurus

All that outreach you’ve been doing finally gains some traction this week as invitations to parties, approvals for creative projects, and requests for second interviews hit your inbox. As much as you’re thrilled to be moving again, you’re also feeling stressed about portraying yourself “the right way.” That idealized version of you might not be as perfect as you think she is. There’s a lot of power in the mess of your authenticity.

This week’s mantra: “Perfect is overrated.”

2 gemini

This week finds you catching up on a lot of work behind the scenes. You want to share photos of your new living room furniture, but you know the shots will look better if you take time to deep clean the baseboards. Though you’re caught up in what feels like a neverending grind, repetitive tasks take you to a much needed meditative state. Keep your eyes and mind open.

This week’s mantra: “Patience is a practice.”

3 cancer

The expression, “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar” was definitely written about a week like this one. Your professional achievements and personal wins are met with some envy this week—from people who you thought were your friends! Take the high road and kill them with kindness. Keeping a positive attitude helps you discover even more community through unexpected means.

This week’s mantra: “Be kind.”

4 leo

The sun’s trip through Aries this month has brought you exciting opportunities for travel, education and other ways of expanding your mind—which is why this summer’s “impact travel” trend is right up your alley. You’ve always been someone who impresses others easily but the skills you’re building now are making you even more of an intimidating Queen. This week requires you to step back and think through how to best integrate new ideas into your daily routine. Remember: sticking to habits is an act of self love.

This week’s mantra: “I regulate with love.

5 virgo

As you continue to make plans for the future, this is a week to commit to learning something new. Whether you’re finally downloading Duolingo, taking a French cooking class or signing up for pickleball lessons, get ready for a major download of fresh information. It’s possible that you might get too excited about simply starting something and be tempted to quit before you even make the recipe you bought all those ingredients for! Having an accountability buddy helps avoid burnout.

This week’s mantra: “I’m excited to start, and also to continue.”

6 libra

Aries season has revealed so much important information about how you function in relationships. If you’ve been caught up in the romance of it all, this week is for figuring out how the relationship actually functions. Uncomfortable conversations about moving in together, household chores and mismatched social expectations flow easier than usual this week—especially on the 17th and 18th. It might not seem sexy to chat about tasks and errands, but you might be surprised by how much it strengthens your intimacy.

This week’s mantra: “Details matter.”

7 scorpio

It’s been a long time since you’ve had to worry about finding a balance between business and pleasure. Either your relationships have been your entire world or work has been so busy that dating was a very distant thought. But at this moment, all of it seems to be happening at once. You historically struggle in situations you can’t pour your whole soul into, but this moment calls for you to address having both. Who can help with the assist?

This week’s mantra: “I don’t owe anyone everything.”

8 sagittarius

After a wild and successful housewarming party, you’re ready to spend the week putting everything back in its place. But of course as you’re tidying up the kitchen and removing decorations from the living room, you’re inspired to rearrange every piece of furniture in the house. Changing up your home office or workout area is especially crucial and refreshing. Don’t underestimate the power of looking at your space from a fresh angle.

This week’s mantra: “I thrive with fresh perspectives.”


Though disruptions at home on the 18th force you out of the house for the day, this is an opportunity to turn lemons into lemonade. Instead of worrying about lost time or a missed work meeting, grab the kids and take a stroll in the park, explore a new neighborhood or sit down for lunch in a cafe in the next town over you don’t visit often enough. Creative inspiration is waiting at every corner for you this week if you’re willing to go off the beaten path to look for it.

This week’s mantra: “I pivot with purpose.”

10 aquarius

Last week’s dizzying astrology brought blessings upon blessings and opportunities upon opportunities. Now it’s time to sort through the options and pick what’s right for you to actually pursue. That annoying voice in the back of your head might be trying to tell you that you’re not worthy of this abundance (move over, imposter syndrome). But why are you letting your fears control you this way? The easiest way to fight it off is to take assured action. Take even the small steps with confidence.

This week’s mantra: “Magic requires momentum.”

11 pisces

The power of persuasion is on your side this week as you’re able to sweet talk friends, family, and even a random first date to do you all kinds of favors. As much as you want to help everyone else out, you’re going through significant changes in your work or financial life and need to prioritize receiving support. Joy is abundant on the 17th and 18th especially—roll down the windows and play your favorite song. Accept the invitation to live with abandon.

This week’s mantra: “I’m allowed to prioritize what brings me joy.”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.



Jaime Wright is an astrologer and writer based in NYC. She has been writing PureWow’s weekly and monthly horoscope columns since 2019, and also authors the cult favorite...