
Are You Intuitive? 3 Ways to Harness Your Abilities

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Being intuitive is no easy task. But thanks to this brand-new video, we’re one step closer to trusting our gut.

In the latest episode of 3 with Me, a YouTube series in which we show you the three smartest ways to do something, PureWow Creator Kate chats with intuitionist and bestselling author of Practical Intuition Laura Day. Together, they discuss three ways to sharpen your intuition within your love life, from seeking out new relationships to staying present within an existing one.

Watch this video to see Kate’s interview with Day (and check out the details below).

3 Ways To Be More Intuitive:

Tip 1: Decide what you want in your love life
Do you want kids? What qualities do you value in a life partner? These are the types of questions you should ask yourself. “You want to create a relationship with someone who can help you structure that kind of home,” Day says. “Know what you want and allow that to change as your experience does. Set a goal and allow that goal to be mobile.”

Tip 2: Document things that come out of left field
Regardless of the outcome, it’s important to recognize when your intuition is successful—and when it’s not. “When you see what a genius you are as an intuitive, how well you predict, how on target you were about an opportunity or a person,” Day explains, “all of the sudden, your subconscious will make that tool more available.”

Tip 3: Practice mindfulness
Or as Day says, “Practice good psychic self-defense.” To do so, Day asks herself simple questions, like: “Who am I? Where am I? What’s around me? What are my senses feeling?” This helps her understand how she’s really feeling. “Notice the way that you are being a sponge for other people’s negativity [and] depression,” she adds.


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