When it comes to cooking, we’re all about experimentation. Creamy Gochujang Noodles? Tried—and loved—’em. Blood Orange Eton Mess? More like Blood Orange Eton Yes.
But there’s one time we’d never try a new recipe: at a dinner party.
There’s a time and a place to whip out that complicated coq au vin recipe you’ve been dying to try. A get-together with your nearest and dearest isn’t that time. With a new recipe, you’ll likely be chained to the kitchen the whole time, taking you out of large chunks of conversation.
Plus, when you’re trying something you haven't made before, there’s always the possibility that it could go horribly wrong. No matter how adept you are in the kitchen, very little can prepare you for the experience of wielding a blowtorch for the first time—you know, in a creme brulee context.