
Prince Harry’s Rep Issues Very Rare Statement: ‘Prince Harry and His Family Are Unable to Return’ to U.K.

Attention royal followers: we just got a very rare statement from one of Prince Harry's representatives.

This comes as Prince Harry is seeking a judicial review in the U.K., after his request to personally fund police protection for himself and his family was denied. The Duke of Sussex's claim for a review was filed in September, but after information about the case was leaked to a U.K. tabloid, the spokesperson stated that Prince Harry thought it necessary to release a statement “setting the facts straight.”

In the statement, it talks about how, as a member of the royal family, Prince Harry “inherited a security risk at birth,” and “while his role within the Institution has changed, his profile as a member of the Royal Family has not. Nor has the threat to him and his family.”

The message continues, saying, “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex personally fund a private security team for their family, yet that security cannot replicate the necessary police protection needed while in the UK. In the absence of such protection, Prince Harry and his family are unable to return to his home.”

People pointed out that when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped back from their official roles as royals, they lost their taxpayer-funded police protection in the U.K. However, the statement notes that Prince Harry offered to personally pay for U.K. police protection for himself and his family back in January of 2020, but that request was dismissed. “He remains willing to cover the cost of security, as not to impose on the British taxpayer,” the message says.

Prince Harry is seeking these protections so that he can feel comfortable bringing his children to the U.K., as the statement indicates, saying, “The goal for Prince Harry has been simple - to ensure the safety of himself and his family while in the U.K. so his children can know his home country.”

They add, “The U.K. will always be Prince Harry's home and a country he wants his wife and children to be safe in...Prince Harry hopes that his petition—after close to two years of pleas for security in the U.K.—will resolve this situation.”

We hope everything is resolved and Prince Harry is able to return to the U.K. with his family soon.

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Associate Editor, News and Entertainment

Joel is the former Associate Editor for News & Entertainment and has been reporting on all things pop culture for over 5 years. Before working at PureWow, he served as a...