
A Close Advisor to Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Opens Up About Working for the Couple

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Since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle resigned from their official roles in the royal family, they have not been slowing down. The two quickly launched a foundation, had an interview with Oprah and contributed to a vaccine event, while Markle published a book and Prince Harry debuted an Apple TV+ series. Oh, and did we mention they also had another kid?

During all of this, one of their closest connections has been Catherine St-Laurent, a philanthropic and strategic communications advisor, who had previously worked for the couple as their chief of staff. Now, after guiding the couple as a senior advisor for their Archewell foundation, St-Laurent has opened up to The Cut about what it was like working for the royals.

In an interview with Kristen Bateman, St-Laurent was asked about her history working for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, to which she said, “It was an incredible experience. They are incredibly talented and creative leaders.”

She continued by adding, “I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to [be their chief of staff], to be able to be with them on their journey. The time that I spent with them was incredibly fulfilling. I think they have the potential to be very influential leaders in the social-impact space. I look forward to continuing to be a part of that.”

When St-Laurent recently announced on LinkedIn that she was co-founding a new social impact consulting firm, she made sure to shout out to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and reference her work at Archewell, saying, “I am deeply proud of what we’ve accomplished together and I’m honored to remain on as an advisor.”

We can't imagine what it's like being friends with the Sussexes, but we hope we get some more tidbits from St-Laurent in the future.

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Associate Editor, News and Entertainment

Joel is the former Associate Editor for News & Entertainment and has been reporting on all things pop culture for over 5 years. Before working at PureWow, he served as a...