The duchess shared seven photos to the @SussexRoyal Instagram that document her work on the fashion capsule collection. In the never-before-seen 'grams from the photoshoot (swipe through the Insta-slideshow above to view them all), Markle is wearing her dark skinny jeans, a blue-and-white loose-fitting striped collared shirt by sustainable British women’s brand With Nothing Underneath and Stuart Weitzman "Leigh" pumps that we last saw her in when she posted videos of the shoot to the account's Insta Stories.
She also included a personal note in the caption: “Since moving to the UK, it has been deeply important to me to meet with communities and organisations on the ground doing meaningful work and to try to do whatever I can to help them amplify their impact," Markle wrote.
"It was just last September that we launched the Together cookbook with the women of the Hubb Kitchen in Grenfell. Today, a year later, I am excited to celebrate the launch of another initiative of women supporting women, and communities working together for the greater good."
The Smart Works organization offers unemployed women coaching and clothing to help nail their next job interview. Markle has served as patron of the foundation since January of this year.
The duchess tapped Nonoo, a close pal who attended the royal wedding, as well as Marks & Spencer, Jigsaw and John Lewis to help create the line of workwear, dubbed the "Smart Set," which is available to shop online at Misha Nonoo's website, Jigsaw, John Lewis and Marks & Spencer.
The Smart Set includes a workwear tote ($136), white button-down blouse ($125), black trousers ($150), a fitted blazer ($245) and a crepe shift dress ($25). However, the leather tote is already sold out online.
The collection is available in a wide range of sizes, from 4 to 26, something Nonoo said "she has never been able to do before," according to The Daily Mail.
And here we thought we'd be saving some money this year...