The story follows an owl named Plop, who is scared of the dark. By the end of the story, the baby owl overcomes his fear with the help of others. The tale ties into the Children’s Mental Health Week’s central theme, which is “Growing Together.”
Before saying goodnight to the children watching the episode, Middleton took the chance to give some encouraging advice. “We can all feel scared sometimes, just like our little owl friend Plop, but as Mrs. Barn Owl said, it's better to find out about the things that scare us before we make up our mind—and with the help of others, we can often face things that worry us,” she said.
Middleton ended on a kind note, saying, “Now, it's time for bed. Night night and sleep tight.”
The duchess has always been an advocate for children’s mental health. She is currently a patron of the children's mental health charity, Place2Be. Earlier this year, Middleton launched The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, which helps bring awareness to the impacts of early life. She also runs the charity with her husband, Prince William.
Solid advice from the duchess.
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