To borrow the words of one of our favorite TV shows, winter is coming. And while puffer coats are a godsent in low temperatures, they’re not always the most flattering way to keep warm. Still, we find ourselves reaching for that Michelin Man-esque topper the moment it gets the slightest bit chilly. So if you, like us, have ever wondered how to wear a puffer coat without looking like a marshmallow, then you’re in luck.
Celebrity stylist Jasmine Caccamo, who counts Camilla Cabello, Alex Morgan and John Cena as just a few of her clients, chatted with PureWow about three ways she and her clients keep simultaneously warm and stylish.
“There are a few little styling tricks you can use to assure your new favorite coat doesn’t have you looking like a marshmallow this winter,” Caccamo said.