
Soccer Moms, Rejoice: You Need This Heated Folding Chair for Chilly Game Days

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Watching your kid score a game-winning goal? A delight. Freezing your butt off on the sidelines at the crack of dawn? Not so much. Well, big news, weather-worn parents: You can now order a heated chair on Amazon. 

Meet the Chaheati Maxx heated folding chair. Think of it like a portable heated blanket—in chair form. With its rechargable lithium battery pack and a nifty little carrying case, you can now simply charge your seat overnight, toss it into the trunk and then enjoy a warm, cozy tush all through lacrosse (or soccer/tee ball/football/cheerleading) practice. 

Talk about a (literal) game changer. 

Freezing Office? You Clearly Need This Heated Mousepad

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