- Aesthetic: 20/20
- Comfort: 17/20
- Cat-Proof: 20/20
- Quality: 20/20
- Delivery: 20/20
TOTAL: 97/100
Anyone who's ever owned a cat can likely relate to Taylor Swift's 2017 hit "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things”—particularly when it comes to furniture. Between the hair, the kitty litter and the claws, keeping a fabric chair or couch in good condition can seem like an impossible task. My own two little gremlins, Stinky (actual name) and Sullivan made quick work of my last sofa, using the arms on either side as a scratching post and snagging their little talons on the cushions every other second. I was fully resigned to a life of beat-to-hell furniture—but that was before I discovered the bouclé Kayra Article couch.
I wasn’t looking for a bouclé couch—I had actually been envisioning a velvet one ahead of a recent move, since I had read that it holds up well against cat wear and tear thanks to its low-pile texture and lack of loose threads.