Toddlers are an opinionated bunch, that’s for sure. But before you write off their mood swings as “a growth spurt,” heed this advice from Harvey Karp, M.D., renowned pediatrician and author of The Happiest Toddler on the Block. While it’s tempting to focus on developmental milestones, temperament is actually a better predictor of how a child will handle change long-term, he explains on his site, Even more interesting, toddlers can turn out to be carbon copies of their parents when it comes to temperament—or they can be the polar opposite. (That might explain why Liam’s parents are calm and reserved, but he’s always wild and fearless on the slide at the playground.)
So, which temperament is your toddler? Dr. Karp says there are three different types: easy, shy or spirited. Take this quiz to find out the temperament that best defines your kid.