
64 Summer Activities for Teens in 2024

From puzzles to pool days.

summer-acitivites-for-teens: Teenage girls hanging out together walking along a neighbourhood street. One girl is giving the other a piggyback as they laugh together enjoying summer. They both seem to be of Asian descent. The girl who is standing wears a yellow shirt and the one on her back wears a blue shirt and black baseball cap.
SolStock/Getty Images

There’s a slug (oops, person) with a difficult temperament in your home, but it’s lovable nonetheless—namely because you made it. Yes, we’re talking about the bored adolescent kid under your roof who’s all but begging for you to introduce some enriching summer activities for teens to save them from the ennui of an unstructured day. Just kidding, they’d never ask that…but just in case, here’s a roundup of ideas that will help older kids get through the long, cruel summer with something that sparks their interest—be it pizza-making, dancing, stargazing or just about anything else you can think of.

21 Books Every Teenager Should Read

Outdoor Activities for Teens

1. Introduce Them to Pickleball, KanJam or PaddleSmash

No, we’re not talking about signing up for a team or lessons. Challenge your kid to try out a sport that’s purely recreational. It’ll get them moving, having fun and burning off a little steam. (For the uninitiated, Pickleball is like ping pong and tennis combined. PaddleSmash is, essentially, a portable version of pickleball—so you don’t need to have access to a court to play. And KanJam is a game where you toss discs into cans, which is both more fun—and challenging—than it sounds.)

2. Go for a Hike

The best medicine for a languishing teen is an afternoon of vigorous exercise in the Great Outdoors.If you’re in need of some inspo, here’s a guide to the best hiking trails in the U.S.

3. Go to the Pool

Between sunbathing and raucous pool games, there’s plenty of fun to be had with friends at a public or backyard pool.

4. People Watch at a Local Cafe

Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery and some time spent enjoying the summer breeze over an iced coffee. Direct your teen to a nearby cafe with sidewalk seating where they can lounge with a cold beverage and watch the passersby, journal, daydream, what have you.

5. Have a Tie-dye Party

Ask your teen to invite some besties over for a backyard tie-dye party—just be sure to consult these tips to ensure it’s a smooth and mess-free event.

6. Relax in a Hammock

Teens like to kick back (who doesn’t?) and swaying in a hammock with a glass of lemonade in hand is arguably the best way to spend a lazy summer afternoon.

summer activities for teens stargaze
Vedat Yilmaz/EyeEm/Getty Images

7. Stargaze

When the days are so hot it makes sense to stay indoors, just wait for nightfall when temperatures drop and you can send your teen outside for some fresh air under the stars.

8. Have a Picnic

Typically an outdoor activity, but when air-conditioning is a requirement, an indoor picnic can be just as fun (and far more comfortable).

9. Go Camping

The backyard is a totally acceptable place to pitch a tent if you’re not wild about the idea of a teens-only wilderness adventure.

10. Fly Kites

Or a drone if your teen is currently too cool to participate in such a quaint pastime. (Sigh.)

11. Walk Through the Botanical Garden

Head to the local botanical garden to learn about the flora whilst enjoying the mood-boosting benefits of a serene stroll and fresh air.

12. Hit the Bike Trail

BMX, cruiser or fixie—whatever type of bike your teen has, summer is the perfect time to take that baby for a ride.

summer activities for teens go for a run
FatCamera/Getty Images

13. Go for a Run

For teens who have felt particularly lethargic (and possibly surly), a hot and sweaty cardio sesh might just be the solution to the summertime blues—’cause, you know, endorphins.

14. Grow a Flower, Herb or Salad Garden

Gardening is an excellent workout and an opportunity to practice mindfulness, to boot. (And the fruits of your labor aren’t so bad, either.)

15. Go Fishing

A little bonding time with your teen is in order and fishing fits the bill.

16. Make It a Beach Day

We see an Instagram photoshoot in your teen’s future.

17. Go on a Food Crawl

Your teen is too young for a bar crawl (thank goodness), but a food crawl is an excellent way to explore all the good eats your hometown has on offer whilst enjoying one of the most gastronomically satisfying summer activities for teens. Choose three to five spots, commit to sharing an order at each, and you won’t feel (too) bogged down by the end. Bonus points if you create scorecards to rate the top experiences.

summer activities for teens do some thrifting
ArtMarie/Getty Images

18. Do Some Thrifting

Teens can score cool, retro styles and shop ‘til they drop without maxing out their monthly allowance.

Indoor Activities for Teens

summer activities for teens play chess
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19. Play Chess

This game of strategy goes way back, and the creativity and critical thinking it requires explains why it never gets old.

20. School Them in a Classic Video Game

Yeah, your kid’s a pro at Call of Duty, but how would she fare with something a bit more retro? We can sense a Tetris showdown coming on.

21. Make Pizza

The teen in your life will be far more inclined to suffer a family dinner when they’ve just played pizzaiolo. Here are some of our go-to recipes.

22. Belt It Out at Karaoke

Find an all-ages karaoke night in your town and send your teen off to get their Ariana Grande on. Or bust out a machine like this and let them take over your basement.

23. Go to a Gaming Cafe

For teens who want a social outing with built-in entertainment, a game cafe is a perfect choice. Friends can gather and pick from a wide selection of board games, card games and more. (Some even have computer games and video consoles.) Bonus: Game cafes are a super fun way for teens to make new friends with similar interests—you know, in the event that their established friend group is vacationing with family for the summer.

24. Phone a Friend

Because your teen’s thumbs are tired of texting and the time to bring back the long, gossipy phone call is now.

25. Watch a Movie

Drive-in? Movie theater? Backyard viewing? When it comes to spicing up the Netflix + living room couch routine, there are plenty of options. But it’s safe to say that when it comes to summer activities for teens, this one is tried-and-true.

26. Bake

Or maybe point your budding star baker in the direction of a no-bake dessert recipe so everyone can satisfy their sweet tooth without overworking the A/C.

summer activities for teens scrapbook
Westend61/Getty Images

27. Scrapbook

Now that the school year has come to an end, it’s time to commemorate all those coming-of-age memories with a scrapbooking project. After all, disposable cameras are trending with Gen Z, so they might as well put all those snaps to use.

28. Bowl with Friends

Here, an indoor leisure activity that lends itself to casual socializing with friends. (Hint: If your teen has a blast at the bowling alley, be sure to look into summer league opportunities.)

29. Build a Family Tree

This parent-teen bonding project will pique your kid’s curiosity and give both of you all the feels.

30. Have a Home Spa Day

No need to break the bank at Sephora—just raid the pantry and hook your teen up with some budget-friendly staples that can be used to whip up a rejuvenating DIY face mask.

31. Play Cards

There are tons of card games that can keep a group entertained, but solitaire is always a solid choice for a teen party of one.

summer activities for teens make family dinner
zoranm/Getty Images

32. Make Family Dinner

All the same benefits of making a pizza, but better-suited for low-carb and gluten-free families.

33. Try Indoor Rock Climbing

Here, a risk-free but thrilling workout that takes place in a refreshingly cool indoor gym.

Educational Activities for Teens

summer activities for teens cat
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34. Work on a Puzzle

This calm, brain-boosting activity is just right for teens who are bored but not feeling particularly energetic. (i.e., met your ‘go for a run’ suggestion with an epic eye-roll.)

35. Learn a New Instrument

Word on the street is that boring summers breed rock stars.

36. Tackle Your Summer Reading List

If you have any insight into what your AP English teacher is going to have you read next year, why not use your downtime over the summer to get a head start? It will lighten your load and free up some time over the course of the coming school year. Plus, reading is always more enjoyable when you can do it at your own pace as opposed to having the time pressure that comes with assigned reading.

37. Study for College Entrance Exams

We know, we know—this is likely not at the top of any teen’s list of preferred summer activities. But when you’ve got an abundance of free time, it does make sense to use at least some of it productively. Try to get your teen to bust out their SAT or ACT study guides and take a few practice exams and, if you must, feel free to bribe them with a small reward if they comply.

38. Look at Colleges

Spoiler: It’s more exciting than studying for the SATs.

39. Make Domino Art

The classic game is plenty of fun to play with a partner, but stand those suckers upright and you have a challenging STEM activity that requires engineering skills and creativity to boot. Plus, the end result is pretty darn neat—just check out domino artist Lily Hevesh’s work and see for yourself.

40. Take an Online Course

Websites like Outschool and Skillshare give teens access to a plethora of different online courses that speak to a wide variety of interests. From fashion design to coding, there’s no hobby or interest that can’t be explored with an online course, and the classes are usually very budget-friendly, too.

41. Visit a Museum

Psst: Your teen can soak up some culture without leaving the couch by taking one of these virtual museum tours.

42. Start (or Join) a Book Club

This roundup of our top picks for teens has good reads in every genre.

summer activities for teens visit the zoo
Laurence Mouton/Getty Images

43. Visit the Zoo

Watching those meerkats get all silly may help your disenchanted teen reconnect with their inner child. (Just sayin.’)

Budget-Friendly Activities for Teens

summer activities for teens tackle a diy project
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44. Tackle a DIY Project

Make it a team effort and the finished project will inspire pride in parents and kids alike. Here are some nifty ideas to consider.

45. Get a Job

The only thing better than a summer internship is work that actually pays. If your teen groans at the suggestion, just ask how they plan to fund their gap year travel plans.

46. Go for a Drive

Needless to say, this suggestion applies to licensed teen drivers only. Added incentive? Have them look up mini road trips they can take on a single tank of gas—perhaps a national park, cool museum or quirky roadside attraction (ahem, world’s largest ball of yarn)—that they can chronicle with their cameras. And later add to their journals and scrapbooks (it all comes full circle!).

summer-acitivites-for-teens: Redhead Caucasian teenage girl, using a laptop, while sitting on the floor in the living room. She wears a red and white striped long-sleeve top. There is also a skateboard in front of her.
Nadija Pavlovic/Getty Images

47. Publish Your Writing on SubStack

In case you missed it, SubStack is a pretty cool platform, not unlike a blog, that allows users to publish written material. It’s widely used by writers, journalists and content creators looking for an opportunity to share their written work and gain access to a larger readership. Parents might want to monitor how teens use the service, but it’s totally free and a great way for older teens with an interest in writing to enjoy a creative outlet and start building a portfolio that might even help them on their desired career path.

48. Find a Summer Internship

You know, because they’ll be joining the workforce before you know it.

49. Make a Bucket List

If your teen is in search of a boredom buster that doesn’t require leaving the cool comfort of their air-conditioned bedroom, they can beat the doldrums by jotting down a bucket list. From daredevil experiences (think: skydiving and bungee jumping) to desired travel destinations, this activity will light up your teen’s imagination and stir up some excitement on a lazy summer day.

50. Plan a Trip

Similar to the bucket list idea, vacation planning is an exciting way to pass the time and a perfect fit for any teen who’s exploring the idea of taking a gap year to satisfy their wanderlust before hitting the books again. Best of all, you can really spend a lot of time on this one, since it can be a multi-destination experience and a lot of research goes into crafting the perfect itinerary, not to mention drawing up a realistic budget to cover the cost of the adventure.

51. Have a Yard Sale

Missed the spring cleaning boat? No worries—It’s never too late to purge some old stuff and make a buck while you’re at it.

52. Babysit

It’s widely known that babysitting is one of the easiest, teen-friendly jobs around. Make some Kraft mac n’ cheese for the little ones, help yourself to a bowl, watch TV while they nap or after they’re put to bed…all in all, it’s a pretty sweet gig. Besides, that gap year isn’t going to pay for itself.

summer activities for teens volunteer
Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

53. Volunteer

Gather some friends to pick up trash at a local park, help out at a soup kitchen or do some virtual volunteering from the comfort of home—no matter how you go about it, giving back just feels good.

Creative Activities for Teens

summer activities for teens journal
FatCamera/Getty Images

54. Journal

Put that teenage angst down on paper—and if you’re brave, give it a read in ten years’ time. Here are some prompts that may inspire them.

55. Get Artsy

You don’t need to be the next Van Gogh to enjoy some time spent with a sketchbook or blank canvas. Psst: If you’re in need of inspiration and supplies, these art subscription boxes will help.

56. Learn a New Dance

Get your teen to cut a rug (and break a sweat) with one of these dance workout videos—you know, so they have some fresh moves ready for homecoming.

57. Take Up Photography

Time for Insta-fanatics to get artsy.

summer activities for teens write letters
Carol Yepes/Getty Images

58. Write Letters

Whether your teen finds a pen pal or writes a heartfelt note that makes Grandma’s day, a handwritten letter is a welcome change of pace from texting.

59. Paint a Bedroom Mural

Encourage your teen to get creative on their own bedroom wall, lest they opt for a not-so-legal form of artistic expression instead. Arch accents are trending right now, and this video makes it surprisingly easy to pull off using a pencil, tape and string (and, oh yeah, paint).

summer activities for teens make a summer playlist
Westend61/Getty Images

60. Make a Summer Playlist

Bonus points if you get your kid to bring you on as a collaborator so you can introduce them to some oldies-but-goodies. (I personally love subtly trying to get my favorite music on my Swiftie’s radar.)

61. Try Creative Writing

That’s right—your gloomy 16-year-old is ready to fill the blank page with the stuff of the next Great American Novel.

62. Go to a Concert

Score your teen tickets to see a band they love and you’ll be giving the gift of a memorable experience and instantly achieving ‘cool mom’ status in one fell swoop.

63. Craft Something Cool

Have your teen browse Pinterest for inspo, or maybe just suggest one of these mason jar crafts. Easy-peasy.

64. Jazz Up Your Room

Restless teens in need of something to do might consider giving their bedroom a makeover. (Don’t worry, parents, we’re not talking about investing thousands of dollars in new furniture.) See if your languishing teen is interested in dressing up the walls by making a photo collage, painting a mural or (for a less permanent upgrade) decorative decals, fairy lights etc. Bottom line: This creative endeavor is a fine way to enjoy a change of scenery without even having to leave home.

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