November 25 can’t get here soon enough. That’s when the new season of Gilmore Girls drops on Netflix, and we can finally be cured of this rabid anxiety to see where Lorelai, Rory, Sookie, Lane, Paris and Emily all end up. To bide your time, take our quiz and see which of the six ladies you’re most like.
• A PureWow Quiz •
Which “Gilmore Girls” Character Are You?

What’s Your Go-to Breakfast?

A quick, easy omelet


A power smoothie

Cereal at noon seems to be fine

If someone made pancakes, that would be great

Coffee is a food group, right?
Clothing Should Be...
Clean, crisp, tailored
Your best negotiating skill
A fun surprise whenever you do a closet purge
Hopefully not covered in spaghetti sauce
An excellent way to express your creativity
Feminine but comfortable, mostly
Pick A Movie:

Say Anything

10 Things I Hate About You

Empire Records

Annie Hall

Holiday Inn

Under the Tuscan Sun
You Can Handle Big Groups:
What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up?
An astronaut
A ballerina
A shop owner
A talk show host
A Pulitzer winner
President, duh
Your Ideal Date Involves...
Road trip!
A surprise picnic prepared by your beau
Getting all dressed up for the theater
A riveting game of Cards Against Humanity (naked)
The tasting menu of a Michelin-starred restaurant
Possibly karaoke. I don't know...what do you think?
Pick A Color: