Fate: The Winx Saga is a coming-of-age story about five teen fairies who attend Alfea, a magical boarding school in the Otherworld. While there, these girls must learn to master their magic as they navigate the ups and downs of teen life, from romance to rivalries.
The new series stars Abigail Cowen, Hannah van der Westhuysen, Precious Mustapha, Eliot Salt, Elisha Applebaum and Danny Griffin. It was created by Brian Young, who's known for his work on The Vampire Diaries, and produced by Jon Finn, Macdara Kelleher and John Keville. Brian Young, Judy Counihan, Kris Thykier, Cristiana Buzzelli and Joanne Lee served as executive producers.
While the live-action remake is based on a children's show, it's worth noting that the series has a darker edge and a more mature cast, making it feel more like a mix of Winx Club and Riverdale. Petrana Radulovic wrote in Polygon that the show has a "compelling, nuanced plot." She added, "The world-building is exciting, offering a spin on the animated series’ world of fairies and non-magical, sword-wielding specialists."
Movie critic Tessa Smith also wrote, "This short season is a great set up for what could happen in future seasons, should it be picked up. Drama, action, and magic -- it does exactly what it sets out to do."
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