
Your Weekly Horoscopes: July 10 to 16, 2022

Picture this: You’re all wrapped up in your favorite sweatshirt and blanket, with your lover and best friends at a vibey bonfire on a lake. Living out a true folklore era Taylor Swift fantasy. You’re working remotely and still have a few emails to shoot off before calling it a day, but for now, you’re making s’mores, sharing reality television theories and looking at the stars. That’s how this week should feel. Relaxing and surprisingly productive all at once. The astrology of the second half of 2022 has far more challenges than the first half, but this week stands out as one of the sweetest. The main event is the full moon in Capricorn on the 13th which comes as a not so gentle reminder that as much as we need to “get serious,” we also need to lighten up. Let this be a week for initiating real change that sticks.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

This week’s full moon on the 13th brings a breakthrough moment for your career or public image. Something that was just a tiny seed of an idea back at the new moon in Capricorn on January 2 has now reached its culmination. You’re always ready to keep grinding and optimizing, but make sure you take a moment to reflect on what you’ve accomplished so far. You’ve worked hard to get here. Have a few drinks, take some photos and celebrate.

This week’s mantra: “I’m on my way.”

1 taurus

Your bags are packed and you’re finally off on your next great adventure! This week’s full moon on the 13th has you hitting a new high water mark when it comes to travel, education or spiritual matters. Whether you’re going on a much needed solo vacation, sending in your final deposits for grad school or taking on a leadership position at your synagogue, take a moment to appreciate all you’ve learned so far and all you have left to learn.

This week’s mantra: “I’m excited for this journey!”

2 gemini

The full moon on the 13th brings closure to an ongoing financial situation that’s been on your mind since the beginning of the year. Whether you’re paying off a debt, taking on a loan or getting up the nerve to meet with your accountant or financial planner, getting everything out on the table is sure to ease your mind. Though you may have gotten yourself into this tricky situation on your own, you’re allowed to ask for help as you get yourself out of it.

This week’s mantra: “Debt doesn’t define me.”

3 cancer

The full moon in Capricorn on the 13th highlights your closest relationships. You began this year with a resolution to build firmer boundaries in all of your partnerships, and this week puts those boundaries to the test. This is a moment for committing hard to what supports you and walking away from what’s draining your life force. Contracts and agreements made this week have been a long time coming. Trust the process.

This week’s mantra: “What’s meant for me supports me.”

4 leo

Get ready for an extremely productive week, Leo. Though Cancer season usually has you feeling the summertime sadness, the full moon in Capricorn is always one of your busiest times of the year. Resolutions you set about work, fitness and routines back in January all reach a culmination. You’re checking off your to-do list, handling errands you’ve been avoiding for months, and beating personal records on your daily runs. Just remember that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Keep integrating.

This week’s mantra: “Just keep moving.”

5 virgo

More than anyone, you understand the value of discipline and hard work. But this week’s full moon on the 13th invites you to prioritize pleasure, creativity and just having fun. Back at the beginning of the year, you made it a resolution to prioritize hobbies, get back into dating or pursue a creative passion, and this week, you’re seeing how much you’ve grown through paying attention to joy. Celebrate! Do doing something your inner child would want you to do.

This week’s mantra: “I contain so much joy.”

6 libra

The full moon on the 13th brings plenty of activity at home. Though Cancer season is usually very career focused for you, this week is about connecting with your roots. Do you feel at peace in your house at the end of a long day? Do you have a reliable support system? If you don’t, what improvements are necessary to build a firmer foundation? It might be simpler than you think to access the comfort you need.

This week’s mantra: “Home is where I feel safe to return.”

7 scorpio

The full moon on the 13th highlights your communication sector. Since the beginning of the year, your social circle has been shifting. Some of the close friends who got you through the peak of the pandemic have slowly drifted away. As you build routines this spring and summer, you have new friends taking on supporting roles in your life. Carefully consider who you keep in touch with this week. Are you reaching out because of obligation or because you genuinely want to connect?

This week’s mantra: “My time is valuable.”

8 sagittarius

There’s plenty of financial activity this week as the full moon in Capricorn on the 13th highlights your money sector. Budgeting goals you set back in January are up for review. You’ve been able to save a lot this year but is that because you’ve been operating from a lack mindset? This lunation is for admitting not just what you need, but what you want. How would you like to upgrade your lifestyle over the next six months?

This week’s mantra: “I deserve it all.”


The full moon on the 13th is in your sign so though it might be Cancer season, let this week be all about you. This is the perfect time to check in with goals you set back at the beginning of the year regarding your health and image. It’s also a great time to splurge on a facial or spa day and indulge in some self-care. Don’t let this be the only week this summer that you treat yourself though. Why not live every week like there’s a full moon in your sign?

This week’s mantra: “I feel pretty!”

10 aquarius

If you haven’t already planned a retreat for the full moon in Capricorn on the 13th, you might want to go ahead and schedule one. This lunation falls in your unconscious sector and is a perfect moment for you to reset. Off the grid. (Or at least away from your inbox, if only for an afternoon). This is also a great time to get back to meditating if you’ve fallen out of practice. Pleasure comes easily this week if you loosen your grip and accept that you can’t control everything.

This week’s mantra: “I let go of what I can’t control.”

11 pisces

The full moon in Capricorn on the 13th is when your social life hits a summer peak. Invitations to book clubs, barbecues and your college roommate’s Zoom Pilates class are filling your inbox to the brim. Part of you would rather stay on the couch alone and binge Gilmore Girls for the 75th time, but it’s important to use this week to connect with people who share your interests. Don’t go because you have to. Go because you want to.

This week’s mantra: “My friends are my inspiration!”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.



Jaime Wright is an astrologer and writer based in NYC. She has been writing PureWow’s weekly and monthly horoscope columns since 2019, and also authors the cult favorite...