This week brings a revitalizing new moon in reliable earth sign Virgo on the 6th. On the very same day, we have three other exact aspects in the mix, so this new moon is a pretty big deal. Mars makes a supportive trine to Pluto digging up some uncomfortable yet necessary truths. Venus makes a lovely trine to Jupiter bringing optimism to the forefront; and the sun trines innovative Uranus breaking our usual routine and inviting a fresh perspective. Change is awkward. We can’t move ahead without acknowledging our mistakes from the past but that doesn’t mean we can’t also try to fix them.
Also on tap this week? Love planet Venus squares off with life-changing Pluto on the 5th, before moving into Scorpio on the 10th. Venus square Pluto is an aspect of major relationship transformation and healing wounds—so of course this configuration can be found in the chart of resilient queen, Britney Spears! Venus’s transit through Scorpio (until October 7th) has us all focused on the inherent value of deep connection and intimacy. If we can’t get real, then what’s the point?
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)