
6 Ways to Work Out at Your Desk

Tone yer butt while drafting that Excel report

So you didn’t run 30 minutes on the treadmill today. Don’t beat yourself up. Studies show that short bursts of exercise throughout the day can be just as effective.

Here, six (non-embarrassing) moves you can do at your desk without even standing up.

Man Repeller

To Tighten Your Butt: The Undercover Leg Lift

Sit up tall and let your legs feel heavy as you extend them out straight in front of you beneath your desk. Lower your right foot, then your left, while you keep the opposite leg raised. Repeat for one to two minutes.

To Tone Your Abs: The Desk Chair Swivel

Sit with your back straight and feet hovering just a few inches off the floor. Place fingertips lightly on the edge of your desk, then contract your core. Use your abs to twist from side to side.

To Strengthen Thighs: The Royal Treatment

Sit up tall and press your knees and ankles together. Next, move your legs so they’re at a slight 45-degree angle. Hold for 60 seconds. Smile with all your teeth showing.

To Relieve Neck Tension: The Sitting Cow Pose

Bring your left arm behind your back by your waist and your right arm up and behind your head. Then clasp your fingers together (as best you can) and hold. Take a few deep breaths and repeat on the opposite side. Now try to sit up straight the rest of the day, you hear?

To Work Those Love Handles: The Torso Twist

Put your right hand on your left knee, then gently turn your head to look over your left shoulder. (You can also grip the back of your chair instead of your knee.) Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.

To Strengthen, Well, Everything: The Hands Up

Take off your shoes and sit forward on your chair. Roll up onto the tops of your feet and curl your toes under, at the same time lifting your arms over your head as you slowly recline back. Puff your chest out in one fluid movement as you reach over your shoulders to grip the back of your chair. Repeat. (Furry chair optional.)

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Senior Director, Special Projects and Royals

  • Writes and produces family, fashion, wellness, relationships, money and royals content
  • Podcast co-host and published author with a book about the British Royal Family
  • Studied sociology at Wheaton College and received a masters degree in journalism from Emerson College