Also, in August, the actress gave her followers a glimpse of her morning yoga session on her Instagram page. In the clip, her 1-year-old daughter, Rani Rose, climbs on her mom as Hudson tries to switch poses. In the caption, she wrote, "Morning yoga with my little monkey #PartnerYoga #SundaySelfCareInMyUnderwear #kitundergarments.”
During our chat, the actress told us that she and her kids are big fans of the recipes from WW, as she revealed, "I have yet to do a recipe on the WW program that I don't like. The mac and cheese I posted [on Instagram] the other day, my kids loved it, I loved it, everyone loved it."
Aside from opening up about wellness, the mother of three also spilled some details about how her family celebrates the holidays (at least during non-pandemic years). She said, "The holidays are really that time that we're all together. What I mean by that is my mother and my dad, Kurt, and Oliver and Wyatt and Boston, our whole family really does come together, all of the kids, my cousin comes with his kids, it really is a special time for all of us."
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