The ad, which debuted on Monday, features the Justice League actor arriving to the Wynn hotel. Throughout the two-minute spot, the 49-year-old makes his way through the resort while discussing his bets for upcoming sporting events. While walking through the casino, Lupe is seen trying her hand at the slot machines.
“Come on, Lupe! You can do this girl,” she tells herself. “Just like the slots in St. Louis.” Unfortunately, the duo never make contact in the ad, but Affleck does acknowledge her presence by whispering to himself, “St. Louis?”
In addition to the Rodríguez, the commercial also featured cameos from Shaquille O'Neal and Nine Perfect Strangers actor Melvin Gregg.
We’re not particularly surprised that Lupe made an appearance, considering Affleck directed the spot. With complete creative control, why not cast your ex-fiancée-turned-girlfriend’s mom? Not to mention, People previously reported that J.Lo’s mother and boyfriend were spotting filming the commercial almost two months ago.
ICYMI: After months of rumors about a Bennifer reunion, the Hustlers actress finally made her relationship with Affleck Instagram official in July, with a super-steamy shot of the two kissing. Lopez captioned her post: “5 2 … what it do …”
We wonder how many times J.Lo has watched this clip on repeat.
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