The episode opens as Emily (Alexis Bledel) prepares for the dreaded ceremony. “You treat it like a job. An unpleasant job to be gotten through as fast as possible,” she muses as her Commander and his wife get in position. “Kissing is forbidden, this makes it bearable…You steel yourself. You pretend not to be present. Not in the flesh. You leave your body.”
After pumping away, her Commander finishes and immediately collapses. His wife screams at Emily to get help but she simply says the chances of her getting pregnant are better if she lays on her back afterward. Incredulous, the wife yells for their Martha and runs out of the room. While alone, Emily takes the opportunity to kick him right where it hurts.
The next day, the handmaids are gossiping at the grocery store about what transpired at Emily’s home, and it sounds like her Commander died. (*Cough* Good riddance.) Offred (Elisabeth Moss) wanders around, passes Eden (Sydney Sweeney) and Isaac (Rohan Mead) flirting, and suddenly finds it hard to breathe. She leans over and clutches her stomach, but then sees Emily and Janine (Madeline Brewer) and gathers the strength to walk over. She asks how Emily is feeling and Janine says she’s moving to a new post since her services are, um, no longer needed. Offred eagerly tells them that Moira (Samira Wiley) escaped to Canada and although Janine answers, “Praise be! Maybe we could all end up in Canada one day,” it’s clear the news is meant for Emily. She impolores Emily to share her enthusiasm, saying that she could escape and see her son again, but Emily dejectedly says, “I’m not his mother anymore.” Offred tries to talk sense into her, but unexpectedly goes into labor instead. Whoopsie, baby.
She’s taken back to the Waterford home by ambulance. Nick (Max Minghella) dotingly escorts her inside lovingly and the hurt is written all over Eden’s face. Serena (Yvonne Strahovski) rushes outside and prays on Offred’s belly before cheerfully saying, “We did it, Offred! And this is the will of God and we shall rejoice and be glad in it.” But Offred is not in the mood and curtly responds, “No one knows the things of God,” before walking inside.