Since marrying Prince Harry, Meghan Markle has gotten a few royal titles, a musical-comedy based on her life and now...a flower named for her?
The Royal Horticultural Society recently honored the Duchess of Sussex with the "clematis Meghan," a pink-purple flower that blooms twice a year—first in late spring or early summer (around the time of Meghan and Harry's May 19 anniversary), and then again in early fall.
The gorgeous blooms, which the RHS describes as "exquisite," are a rich magenta-purple, "so they will really make an impact when planted in borders or larger pots." Noted.
Meghan's clematis joins Queen Elizabeth's pink rose, the Duchess of Cambridge's purple and white clematis and Princess Diana's pink clematis. Prince Louis even has a clematis of his own. (Meg's in excellent company, if we do say so ourselves.)
All of the flowers are available for purchase from the Royal Horticultural Society. Royal garden, anyone?