It goes without saying that our wallet needs a bit of a detox after the holiday rush. We’ve got good news: With a little creativity, you can cut costs significantly this month and—phew—recoup some of that hard-earned cash.
5 Creative Ways to Save Money in January

Negotiate That Gym Membership
This month, the financial ball is in your court when it comes to working out. Why? Gyms actually have higher membership quotas to hit as a kickoff to the new year. (You know, when everyone is feeling ultra-concerned about their waistline again.) This makes it the perfect time to state your terms: No sign-up fee, a complimentary month, a gratis locker for the year. And if you’re already a member, take a meeting and see if they can offer any perks. The worst they can say is no.

Or Buy An Outdoor Bike
Not too many people are thinking about heading outdoors in the dead of winter. And as a result, January is the perfect time to snap up a new bicycle at a hefty discount—sometimes as much as 25 percent off. And there’s a bonus: New 2019 bike models actually hit shelves in February, which means you can pick up a now-dated 2018 version at a cheaper-than-typical cost.

Start Pre-planning For Valentine’s Day
It’s a cool six weeks away, but by avoiding the last-minute scramble to find the perfect gift, you could also avoid paying top price for jewelry, as retailers begin their Valentine’s Day marketing campaigns in earnest right after the new year. Think everything from a 24K gold necklace to a diamond-infused engagement ring. (Hint, hint.)

Buy *next* December’s Christmas Decor
Just like with Halloween, all those blinking reindeer lawn ornaments and inflatable Santas are now more than half off. Stock up now for Christmas 2019, then stash it somewhere you’ll remember. (Then record the location in a calendar reminder in your iPhone just to be safe.)

Get Organized For 2019
Yes, it’s already January, but if you haven’t picked up a new planner yet, now’s the best time, since they’re typically on sale for as much as 75 percent off. Hey, sometimes the late bird catches the worm.