The rules of design are simple and finite: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and always say yes to a kick-ass piece of lighting. “[Statement lighting] is everything,” says celebrity designer Kelly Wearstler in her MasterClass. “It can change and alter architecture. It can make art look more important. It can raise the ceiling of a room. It can create a mood.”
The Coolest Upgrade You Can Make to Your House in 2022
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Of course, the idea of using eye-catching lighting as a piece of decorative artwork is nothing new. While ornate, neoclassical chandeliers were all the rage in Greece and Rome during the 18th Century, contemporary tiered glass fixtures were about as popular as Andy Warhol and Studio 54 during the ‘70s and ‘80s. And, after years spent obsessing over cloud couches, farmhouse sinks and what to hang on our walls, it seems we’re collectively turning our attention skyward.
Etsy’s 2021 trend report revealed a 344 percent increase in searches for ‘70s lighting, a 27 percent increase in sculptural or decorative lighting, a 25 percent increase in searches for vintage lighting, and a 22 percent increase in searches for colorful lighting. According to the report, “many are already on the hunt for statement lighting [this year]—from sculptural pendants to standout sconces—that reflects their own personal style.” So yeah…we’d say retro revival is *the trend* for 2022.
How to get the look? Well, if you’re looking to embrace this year’s Newstalgia trend, you have to go vintage. Or, if you’re all about minimalism, you could bring in a sleek, midcentury modern pendant. No matter what your aesthetic is, you can skip the hours of Pinterest searching and shop one of our favorite statement lights below. You’re welcome.