
How to Freeze Peaches (Because You Need Cobbler in Your Life ASAP)

It’s hard to match the sensual pleasure of a summer peach—a heady, palm-sized plunge into candied sweetness with the acidic finish of a fine wine. So when peach season comes around, we make sure to bring a huge bag of them home on the reg. But sometimes, we bite off more than we can chew. If you can relate, take comfort: You don’t have to let a stone fruit, purchased in the prime of its life, waste away in your kitchen. Learn how to freeze peaches in a few simple steps and you can preserve them for a good three months.

1. Prep the peaches

Peaches must be blanched (i.e., briefly dunked in boiling water and then rapidly cooled) before freezing but don’t be intimidated by the culinary jargon—the process itself is quick and easy as long as you set up your station before you start. First, fill a large stockpot two-thirds full with water and bring to a vigorous boil. While you wait, fill a large bowl with ice and cold water. Move the ice bath near the stove or sink so you can cool the blanched peaches down without delay. Now, it’s time to turn your attention to those peaches. Before blanching, use a paring knife to gently score the bottom of each peach with an “X”. This will help to remove the skin later. 

2. Blanch and cool the fruit

As soon as your water has reached a rolling boil, use a mesh steaming basket to add the scored peaches to the stockpot. (You can do this by hand, but those plump peaches will make a big scalding splash if you’re not careful so proceed with caution.) After 30 seconds in the boiling water, fish the peaches out with a slotted spoon or ladle and promptly plunge them into the ice bath. Use your hand to gently stir the peaches around in the ice bath to distribute cold water to areas the peaches have warmed. If your ice bath no longer feels frosty, add more ice to bring the temperature back down. Once the peaches have cooled completely, remove them from the ice water and place them in a bowl by your cutting board.

3. Peel the peaches

Peeling a peach is usually a pain, but blanching makes it a breeze. (Note: This is true even for peaches you don’t plan to freeze.) Pick a peach and find the patch of scored skin; rub the area until the skin begins to separate from the flesh. Now, continue peeling—the remainder of the skin should pull away easily, leaving you with the naked fruit. Discard the skin and repeat the process until all your stone fruit has been stripped.

4. Start slicing

Transfer the peeled peaches to a cutting board and cut each one from top to bottom and back around the other side, sinking the knife deep enough that you can feel the pit. Pull the two halves apart to remove the pit, and cut the flesh into ½ inch-thick slices. Transfer the sliced peaches to a large bowl. Tip: Empty and repurpose that ice bath bowl. (We hate doing dishes.)

5. Add some acid

To prevent your peaches from oxidizing and turning an unappetizing shade of brown, squeeze a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice over the slices. Gently toss by hand to distribute the acid evenly and ensure every pretty slice of peach is preserved.

6. Freeze peaches on a sheet pan

You’ve hit the home stretch and your peaches are almost ready to hit the freezer. Line a shallow baking sheet with wax paper and spread your peaches out evenly on the pan, making sure to separate any slices that stuck together in the mixing bowl. Take your tray of peachy goodness to the freezer, where it will stay for about four hours or until the slices are frozen solid.

7. Store and freeze again

When your peach slices have frosted over like popsicles, remove the tray from the freezer; gently peel each slice from the wax paper and transfer to a freezer bag. Remove the excess air before sealing the storage bag, taking care not to squeeze your peaches to a pulp in the process. When the storage bags have been sealed and dated, pop them in the freezer and you’re done. Your frozen summer fruit will deliver delicious baked goods and smoothies for the next three months.

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Freelance PureWow Editor

Emma Singer is a freelance contributing editor and writer at PureWow who has over 7 years of professional proofreading, copyediting and writing experience. At PureWow, she covers...