When it comes to Valentine's Day, folks are typically firmly planted in one of two camps: The camp that loves love and gets giddy at the prospect of flowers, chocolates and stuffed bears; and the camp for whom the best part of the holiday are the February candy sales.
A new book, The Pocket Guide to Bad Boyfriends by Ruby Turner (with illustrations by Simon Coleman), was made for the latter group.
Subtitled “How to Identify 40 Types of Boys Gone Wrong,” the book is filled with witty illustrations, interactive checklists and quizzes that will delight anyone who's been spurned by the modern dating scene.
In it, you'll be introduced (or reintroduced) to guys like the Midlife Crisis Man, the Fixer-Upper, the Couch Potato and more, all accompanied by Manga-style illustrations and advice on how to spot—and avoid—each type.