
Chin Filler, Explained

Even prior to the pandemic, we were seeing an increased interest in non-surgical cosmetic treatments like Botox and fillers. Since 2020, that interest has only grown as we’ve spent the past two years staring at our faces on screens constantly. Whereas pre-pandemic, lip fillers were in hot demand, recently there’s been more focus on another, previously overlooked area of the face: the chin.

According to many dermatologists and plastic surgeons we’ve spoken to, the chin is the most prominent feature of the lower third of our faces. By enhancing this area, you can actually bring the entire face into more balanced proportions. One way to do this? Chin fillers.

Dr. Jenny Liu, a board-certified dermatologist based in Minneapolis, MN gives us the complete rundown ahead.

First things first, how do I know if I’m a good candidate for chin fillers?

“Anyone who has an under-pronounced chin or is bothered by their jowling (which comes with aging) can achieve better facial symmetry and a sharper profile with chin fillers,” explains Liu. As we age, we begin to lose bone density in our faces, which acts like scaffolding for our skin. When this happens, you may notice a gradual sagging or a softening in the lower thirds of your face. (Enter: the jowling.) By injecting dermal fillers to the chin, you can add structural support to this area, thereby increasing definition.

What should you ask for when you go in for a consultation?

Try to go in with an open mind. “Yes, you know what your areas of concern are, but sometimes the treatment isn't always about just addressing that one area,” says Liu. “More often than not, you’ll get better results by using a combination of treatments (i.e. filler and lasers or fillers and neuromodulators like Botox), which your dermatologist will go over with you during the assessment,” she adds.

During the initial consultation, you should also ask about the injector’s qualifications and certifications. “Due to vasculature in the area, it’s best to stick to injectors with proper experience and training to avoid any potential complications,” cautions Liu. On that note, you can also ask to see some before and after photos to get a better sense of their work (if you haven’t already researched them online beforehand).

What are the various types of fillers that are best for use in the chin area?

“The most commonly used chin fillers are hyaluronic acid based,” says Liu. Hyaluronic acid fillers go under various brand names like Juvederm Voluma or Restalyne Defyne (which was recently approved as the only FDA-approved filler designed for use in the chin). As Liu explains, “Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are more commonly used because they can be dissolved should there be any issues.”

How much does chin filler cost and how much will I need?

“It’s difficult to determine exactly how much filler a patient needs without evaluating them in person, but most people require at least half a syringe to one full syringe (the equivalent of 1 ml of filler) for this area,” shares Liu. “Depending on the brand of filler used and your injector’s experience, one full syringe can cost anywhere between $600 to double that price,” she adds.

How long does chin filler last?

“Chin fillers typically last between six months to over a year depending on the type of filler that was used,” says Liu. (Note: Some experts we’ve spoken to on the topic have projected up to a few years of lasting results.) Again, this largely depends on the filler used, but also other key factors like how fast your metabolism is and how deeply the filler was placed.

Will getting chin fillers hurt?

As with any type of procedure, this will come down to your pain threshold, which varies widely person to person. Some people describe the process as mildly uncomfortable at most, whereas others might find it painful. The good news is that it’s usually a quick process and most injectors will use (and you can certainly request) a numbing agent prior to the injections to make the treatment more tolerable.

Is there any downtime afterwards?

According to Liu, the relative risks are low with chin fillers. That said, there is always a chance of some initial swelling and/or bruising whenever needles are involved. You may also feel a bit of soreness the first few days after your appointment, but everything should settle into place within two weeks in most cases.

What can I do to minimize any side effects and speed up healing?

“Pre-appointment, you should talk to your provider for specific instructions, but some general rules include avoiding alcohol and any blood thinning medications like aspirin, as well as supplements and certain foods like garlic, vitamin E, ginko biloba, St. John's Wort and omega-3 capsules,” advises Liu.

“Post-procedure, you’ll want to avoid extensive exercise for the first 48 hours. And if you experience any bruising, ice can help—as can topical arnica. Lastly, I recommend sleeping with your head slightly elevated for a few days to prevent any swelling.”

Bottom line

“Chin fillers offer a relatively simple and minimally invasive way to make subtle changes to your profile,” says Liu. The results are instant, but it can take up to two weeks to properly assess the results, so if you find yourself wanting to tweak anything afterwards, give it at least that amount of time.

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Beauty Director

Jenny Jin is PureWow’s Beauty Director and is currently based in Los Angeles. Since beginning her journalism career at Real Simple magazine, she has become a human encyclopedia of...