
Your Weekly Horoscopes: June 7 to June 13, 2020

Eclipse season kicked off last week, and with it came passionate protests around the country demanding justice for the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Nina Pop and countless others who have lost their lives at the hands of police brutality. This is an important moment for all of us to educate ourselves and get involved however we are able to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

This week’s astrology includes the sun (our life force) squaring Neptune (our collective influence) on the 11th, as well as action planet Mars meeting Neptune on the 13th. Though both of these aspects can tell of a collective exhaustion—and an exhaustion that we acknowledge is not at all new for the Black community—at their very best, these aspects are about breaking down boundaries to meet inspiration. We are being challenged to keep up the fight beyond this historical event and beyond this moment. How can we keep showing up and doing the work?

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

2 gemini

Your voice is important, so keep using it this week. Though things might be busier than ever—or at least busier than they have been the last few months—at the (virtual) office, that doesn’t mean there isn’t time to keep the momentum for the cause. Challenge your coworkers to match your donation to a local bail fund or racial justice organization. Lead your team toward change.

This week’s action: Do your research about the best local organizations to support during this time and spread the word!

3 cancer

There is so much work to be done right this second to support the Black Lives Matter movement. But your mind might be focused on the future. What’s the big picture? If you educate yourself now, you will be prepared for what’s down the road. Do your research about local and national police reform bills and call your senators to show your support of this legislation. The system won’t change until we acknowledge it’s broken.

This week’s action: Educate yourself about the issues, learn who your representatives are and keep calling them.

4 leo

Who keeps you engaged? This week is a good time to evaluate who and what influences your thinking. You are capable of being a powerful voice in your community, but you need to make sure you have the right support. Spend some time with the unfollow feature on Instagram making sure that brands, influencers and even acquaintances who refuse to acknowledge this movement aren’t getting your attention. Feel free to call them out on it too. Fill your feed with those willing to do the work.

This week’s action: Make sure you’re following inspiring thinkers and activists in the Black community and follow their lead.

5 virgo

So, you’ve been doing the work, but are the important people in your life on the same page? Is your business partner willing to make a public statement about your company’s support of Black Lives Matter? Is your husband committed to the cause? Is your BFF still posting constant photos of granola? Take the lead on a hard conversation this week and commit to learning together.

This week’s action: Keep reading and educating yourself and have someone keep you accountable.

6 libra

Because you so often keep an air of cool or calm, those who know you best may be surprised by how willing you are to be in the frontlines of this movement. Whether you’re single-handedly running your neighborhood mutual aid effort, actively protesting or providing assistance to those who are, you’re doing the work and getting exhausted. Remember to write down your experiences and continue learning about the origins of the movement to stay inspired through the fight.

This week’s action: Listen to the 1619 podcast to learn more about the history that has led us to this moment.

7 scorpio

There’s a lot of learning to do right now but not all anti-racist work needs to be about dry, non-fiction texts. If you’re craving something artistic instead, spend time this week reading books, watching films and even playing video games with Black protagonists. Challenge yourself to avoid consuming anything cultural that centers the White experience and make that a habit.

This week’s action: Consume art and media by Black creators and keep doing it. This list of fiction is a great place to start.

8 sagittarius

If you’ve been avoiding having a conversation with your family about their participation or lack thereof in this movement, the feeling becomes unbearable this week. Schedule a call or a FaceTime to have a serious discussion with them about where you stand and how you’d like them to stand with you. Remember that the ultimate goal is to come together so invite them to meet you where you are.

This week’s action: Have a conversation about racism with your whole family. If you need tips on how to talk to kids, follow @theconsciouskid on Instagram and consider buying a book on this list (from one of these bookstores!).


What services can you offer the movement? Do you work in a healing profession and can you offer some sessions at a discount or for free? Can you do some pro bono design work for a local protest? Can you use your admin skills to organize grocery deliveries for a mutual aid network? Sometimes your best contribution is something you’re already doing.

This week’s action: Contact your local racial justice organization and offer your services.

10 aquarius

There’s a lot going on, but also…summer is almost here, and you need some new clothes. You’ve read, you’ve donated and you’ve asked your employer to match your donation, so now do some online shopping at Black-owned businesses! Find a new company you’d like to support and become an ongoing patron. Then, you can spread the word about your purchases to all of your friends.

This week’s action: If you’re going to shop for a summer wardrobe, do it at a Black-owned fashion brand.

11 pisces

It’s time to unlearn some things, sweet Pisces. Who and what have you let influence your views? How have you buried your own thoughts to please others? If there was ever a moment to speak out about what you truly think, now is the time. Don’t concern yourself with losing friends over doing what’s right. Prioritize surrounding yourself with those who lift you up through the battle.

This week’s action: Research racial justice organizations in your area and attend an info session—virtual or IRL with a mask on, please—about getting involved.

12 aries

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the weight of the work ahead and thinking, “How in the hell am I supposed to change hundreds of years of systemic problems!?” remember that it’s OK to start small. Maybe that means it’s time to make a difficult phone call to a family member who’s still not getting it or compile a list of books by Black authors for your book club. Or, if you’re emotionally or physically exhausted, this might be the time to take a break from your phone—whether it’s for an evening or an hour, taking a step back can help you see the picture more clearly.

This week’s action: Buy your reading materials at Black-owned bookstores like The Lit. Bar (Bronx), Semicolon Bookstore (Chicago) or Hakim’s Bookstore (Philadelphia).

1 taurus

This week is a time to show up for your friends and community with physical and monetary support in whatever way—big or small—you can. Check in on your Black friends and your friends involved in protests and activism and offer them a home-cooked meal or order them delivery straight to their door. Give what you have to keep others moving.

This week’s action: If you’re ordering takeout, get it from a Black-owned restaurant to show your support! (Here’s a list for NYC restaurants.)

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram @jaimeallycewright or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast