
Your Weekly Horoscopes August 8 to August 14

The week begins with a new moon in Leo on the 8th, which falls directly in the crosshairs of the ongoing—and majorly uncomfortable—Saturn-Uranus square. This lunation is a bittersweet one as it demands that we both start a new era and bring a previous era to a close. Staying in a stressful job, dead end relationship or awkward living situation because of pride is no longer an option. This isn’t a subtle ending. Big ideas and even bigger egos are almost guaranteed (especially when chatty Mercury opposes uninhibited Jupiter on the 11th). Things smooth over as Mercury enters Virgo later in the day on the 11th. Virgo is the sign where the communication planet is exalted aka at its most articulate, found in the charts of wordsmiths and technical geniuses like Julia Child and Billie Eilish’s brother, Finneas. Healing is possible when we welcome change.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

This week’s new moon on the 8th is a painful one as you realize all the ways you’ve denied yourself pleasure. It’s an ongoing flirtationship that just isn’t satisfying. It’s your desire to get pregnant at odds with your partner’s career trajectory. It’s feeling abandoned in your social circle as your friends move onto the next phase of their lives. Everyone’s growing up without you. Something has to give and it’s now or never to choose yourself.

This week’s mantra: What would your inner child want?

1 taurus

This week’s new moon on the 8th has you feeling both proud of all you’ve accomplished in setting up a new home and also extremely isolated where you live. Whether you moved for work, school or personal freedom, you’re wondering whether you’d be happy back in your old rut. The difficult truth is that you can’t go back to your previous life, you can only keep growing exactly where you are.

This week’s mantra: Rooting requires landing.

2 gemini

The new moon in Leo on the 8th has you feeling unusually nostalgic. You’re pining for a college crush and before you know it Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know” is your top song on Spotify. Feel your emo feelings but really, you need to be focusing on the people who you see and communicate with on a regular basis, not some frenemy from eighth grade. Thankfully Mercury glides into Virgo on the 11th, getting your head back in the game.

This week’s mantra: Tread carefully in the past.

3 cancer

This week’s new moon in Leo on the 8th delivers a harsh reality check about what you’re giving up to pursue a higher income. Yes, your most recent freelance gig has made it so that you don’t have to work another dead end job but you still have to put your long term goals on hold. What if money was out of the picture? How would you fill your days?

This week’s mantra: You are where you are so where do you want to go?

4 leo

The new moon in your sign on the 8th is for making selfish (and possibly irresponsible) decisions. Yes, your career is all over the place and your business partner is causing you major stress but what if—just for a few days—you chose peace? So what if you’re not reaching your client projections and your product launch was anticlimactic? Fix it once Mercury goes into Virgo on the 11th. For now, you have a hair appointment and a beach day to attend to.

This week’s mantra: It’s only Leo season once (a year).

5 virgo

The new moon in Leo on the 8th falls in your unconscious sector and the usual advice would be to go on retreat! Unplug! Put your phone on “do not disturb!” And though it’s possible (and very needed) that you get some private time, it’s likely that even the most well-planned getaway leads to nothing but more distractions. There’s too much work to do. Thankfully, life is less chaotic once Mercury enters your sign on the 11th, putting you firmly back in charge of your own destiny.

This week’s mantra: There are many kinds of rest.

6 libra

This week’s new moon in Leo on the 8th finds you at a turning point in your social life. You’ve felt lonely and isolated for most of the summer. Every scroll through your Instagram stories has left you with a serious case of FOMO. But the question is: have you been putting in the effort to make new friends? A hang with a different group this week is a promising start, just remember that you have to be proactive about keeping up the connection.

This week’s mantra: Everyone loves you so love them back.

7 scorpio

This week’s new moon on the 8th is a bittersweet beginning for your career. As you walk away from a job you’ve grown to hate, you can’t help but wonder if the new company will be any better. It’s OK to feel sad when you’ve made the right decision. You’re pushing yourself out of your comfort zone! As Mercury enters meticulous Virgo on the 11th, use this improved communication energy to network and connect with your new team.

This week’s mantra: Break the cycle.

8 sagittarius

This week’s new moon on the 8th brings an amazing opportunity for travel or education which corresponds with the necessary uprooting of your regular routine. You didn’t think law school would be easy, did you? Or that you could simultaneously date someone at home and spend three months in Japan? Things are busy and the reruns of Gilmore Girls will have to wait until winter break. Luckily Mercury’s shift into your public image sector on the 11th gives you a boost of confidence to announce your plans.

This week’s mantra: Your bestie for the fall is change.


Who has been taking advantage of your generosity? The new moon in Leo on the 8th offers an auspicious start for a business venture or collaboration. The launch goes off without a hitch but you’re left disappointed with how much work you’re left to shoulder on your own. This isn’t irreparable but fixing the power imbalance requires you to speak up about your needs. Who are you when you have everything you want?

This week’s mantra: If you don’t share, they won’t know.

10 aquarius

Your girlfriend, work wife or bestie lets you down at the new moon in Leo on the 8th. Though this new moon is usually a chance to celebrate together and renew your vows, this week you’re only reminded of the dynamics which have become untenable in your closest relationships. Mercury’s shift into Virgo on the 11th greatly improves your ability to communicate what feels off. Remember to listen as much as you speak.

This week’s mantra: Check the balance.

11 pisces

The new moon in Leo on the 8th finds you picking up the pieces after reaching total burnout. This lunation falls in the part of your chart that deals with health and wellness and with all the chaos of this summer, you’ve likely had zero time for self care . If you can, spend the day (or the rest of the week!) resting as much as possible. Check in with your body and mind: what makes you feel good?

This week’s mantra: Know when to stop.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast