Welcome to March! Action planet Mars moves into chatty, free-spirited Gemini on the 3rd, releasing the valve on the pressure cooker of energy we’ve felt since last July. Our minds are sharper, and our conversations are wittier under this influence. Let’s just try not to overdo the sarcasm.
On the 13th, there’s a mesmerizing new moon in Pisces. With both love planet Venus and hazy Neptune in the mix, this lunation brings what’s unconscious to the surface. Mercury joins the party in Pisces on the 15th further daring us to articulate what we want—even if it can only be expressed in a sappy love song.
Aries season begins on the 20th and Venus follows the sun into the dynamic fire sign on the 21st. Happy Birthday to our ambitious rams like Pharrell Williams, Sarah Jessica Parker and Lady Gaga. Instead of pampering ourselves at a luxury spa, we’re now roughing it on an exhilarating camping trip. Both are enjoyable but one requires a lot more effort!
The month ends on a shocking note (you could say March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion) with a revelatory full moon in Libra on the 28th. We often equate Libra with balance, but this lunation shakes up the status quo. Think: dramatic season finale that takes the plot in an unforeseen direction or a surprise underdog comeback in the final inning.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)