After a months-long summer vacation at her Scottish home castle of Balmoral, Queen Elizabeth was back to her royal duties on Friday. She wore a bright blue coatdress with matching hat featuring a plume of peacock-green feathers on the front (veryyy "I'm BACK, y'all!!!" vibes) for the occasion.
The Haig Housing Trust in South London's Merton borough was set up to provide military veterans, ex-service personnel and their families with much-needed accommodations.
While at the event, the queen stopped to chat with 100-year-old WWII veteran Ken Souter, who flew planes for the Royal Air Force in North Africa. The former military personnel showed the queen his birthday card that she had personally signed for him. ICYMI: The queen sends personally signed birthday cards to any centenarian British citizen (and those turning 105 and every year thereafter, too)…and it requires a team of at least seven people.