
Maisie Williams Has a New Project She Wants You to Be a Part of (We’re Not Kidding)

Our girl Maisie Williams may be finished with Game of Thrones, but she’s going plenty of projects in the works. One in particular that she even wants you to be a part of. 

We’re not kidding, the 21-year-old actress revealed the plans for her very own short film, which is linked to her creative networking app Daisie. The catch? There’s no script, story idea or even actors yet. That’s where you come in.

Williams, along with actor Bill Millner (X-Men: First Class) are currently looking for a director of photography, videographer, editors, an assistant director, sound engineer, actors, writers, composer, camera assistants and colorist for the project. The short film is part of an initiative called LDN Creates and aims to encourage creative people to get involved with four different projects. 

“Our team will be creating a short film.” Williams and Milner wrote in a post on their website. “The best part about our project is that we don’t even know what it is yet! We want to make something from scratch that is produced organically after the team is built, the brief is truly open.” We have to say this is a pretty unique idea. 

Interested? You can apply to be part of the short film on the LDN Creates website. But there are some requirements: Applicants must provide an original piece of work that “defines [them] as a creator,” for example an original song, portfolio, piece of writing, pretty much anything that shows your creativity. Pretty simple. 

Better hurry, submissions close April 14.