She wrote, “Had the most random & epic ‘celeb spotting’ this morning in London. It was a literal run-in as we almost collided. It started as a grumpy day. I was stressed and sleep-deprived, grumbling to myself as a dragged my sleepy bum to dance class in Hyde Park. As I was approaching the Queen’s Gate entrance, I see a young boy on a bike racing towards me on the sidewalk, while gleefully saying, ‘I can’t go slower!’ as his Mom chases inches behind.”
“As I do when I see all kids, I break into a grin and say a big ‘hiiii!’ as he zooms by,” she continued. “It takes me about half a second to realize this adorable boy and his Mom are faces I’ve seen thousands of times. I then notice a breathless, masked man in a suit running after the two, clearly having been outpaced. I stop for a second to register this random, magical, royal I’ve just had an almost literal run-in with HRH Duchess Kate Middleton and Prince George! On a sidewalk! In the middle of London!!”
While Ramey originally stated she believed the young biker to be Prince George, a few other Twitter users pointed that it was most likely Louis, considering the time of day when the 6-year-old would have already been in school.
While there’s no confirmation if this was for sure the Duchess of Cambridge, it seems pretty possible. And we have to admit we’re kind of jealous we didn’t get to witness it for ourselves.
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