
A Little Girl Just Broke Royal Fan Protocol—and Did Something to Kate Middleton that We've All Wanted to Do

Picture this: You're a kid and you've waited for hours to meet (and greet) the one, the only Kate Middleton outside a community center in Dundee, Scotland, where Kate and her hubby, Prince Williamare visiting this week.

When you finally spot the duchess—who's wearing an homage to her wedding dress designer Alexander McQueen and her signature blowout—it only makes sense that you reach out to touch those curls.

And that's exactly what a little girl wearing a pink puffer coat did.


kate middleton hair touch dundee scotland
Ian Rutherford/Getty Images

As Kate strode past the line of well-wishers, the girl—who couldn't have been over the age of 10—reached up to ever-so-delicately stroke her mane (a royal no-no since, historically, the only time you should ever touch a royal is with a handshake). 

kate middleton hair touch laugh
Ian Rutherford/Getty Images

But proof Kate is a much more modern royal, her reaction is priceless: She actually leaned in and laughed as the girl gently touched her hair and then her face.

After all, Kate has children of her own and probably knows first-hand—thanks to George, Char and Louis—that telling kids to keep their hands to themselves is a parental challenge even the most royal of parents can't solve.

Rachel Bowie Headshot

Royal family expert, a cappella alum, mom

Rachel Bowie is Senior Director of Special Projects & Royals at PureWow, where she covers parenting, fashion, wellness and money in addition to overseeing initiatives within...