The video begins with Legend begins serenading his wife while she gets her tattoo, then transitions into footage of Stone penning the song's title in cursive along Teigen's spine. It also includes shots of the model admiring Stone's handiwork, as well as a clip of Legend and Teigen discussing the first time she heard the romantic song.
Legend says, "Tell everyone about the first time you heard this song." When Teigen admits that she doesn't recall, Legend gets seriously flirty and says, "I remember. It was in our bedroom." But Teigen says, "I remember the first time I heard 'All Of Me,' I remember the first time I heard honestly most of your songs, but not this one."
After realizing that he can't jog her memory, he fesses up and reveals that they had to "test run" the song to "make sure it worked." And just in case the fans missed what he was really getting at, he added, "It worked. The first time we played it on repeat. It was a good...conversation starter."