
The Only Thing You Need to Buy to KonMari Your Home

marie kondo holding boxes konmari

So, you binge-watched Netflix’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo over the weekend and decided to totally KonMari your entire bedroom. (Congrats—you’re definitely not the only one.)

But fast-forward two weeks later and you’re nowhere close to achieving the clutter-free wardrobe that you dreamed of. (Do you have to ask every single stray sock and lone hair tie if it sparks joy? Or is it just the big stuff? And what are you supposed to do with all those textbooks from college?)

Look, it’s not your fault. The reason why your KonMari journey has hit a stumbling block is probably because you’re missing a key ingredient—tiny boxes.

Because it’s easy (in theory, anyway) to put away the big stuff like coats and sweaters, but what about all the little things that tend to pile up on the floor…and on the nightstand… or underneath the bed?

In the hit show, Kondo frequently uses boxes to keep items neat and tidy. These organized holders are where you can stash your socks, those random keepsakes and other small items that you want to hold on to but don’t know where to put (i.e., no more finding bobby pins in every corner of the house). And this doesn’t just work for the bedroom—Kondo uses these boxes in every room (we especially like how she organizes her kitchen drawers to store utensils in them).

“By using boxes, you can compartmentalize the drawers neatly,” she says. And while Kondo has her own line of chic boxes, there’s a huge selection of different sizes and colors on Amazon.

Once you’re armed with these boxes (and some big trash bags for items that you want to toss or donate), you’ll be on your way to a beautiful, clutter-free existence in no time.

Ready? Time to tackle your junk drawer. 

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Executive Editor

Alexia Dellner is an executive editor at PureWow who has over ten years of experience covering a broad range of topics including health, wellness, travel, family, culture and...