Whether you have a tiny balcony garden or a big, rambling yard filled with flowers of all types, there’s always room to grow up. Plants that grow vertically add interest, provide screening and privacy, and offer beautiful options for your garden’s visiting pollinators. So what makes for the best climbing plants for your space? Glad you asked. Here’s what you should know—as well as a roundup of our favorites to try.
Vines or climbers may be either annual or perennial; if you choose a perennial type, which will return for many years, make sure it’s suited to survive winters in your USDA Hardiness Zone (find yours here). Many annuals grow well from seed, though it’s a little late in the season to start most of them now. That said, autumn is a great time to plant perennials because the temperatures are milder and rainfall more plentiful. Just make sure any perennial is in the ground at least 6 weeks before freezing weather arrives in your area to ensure your plant’s roots get established. Also, make sure you install a trellis or other support when planting so you won’t disturb the plant later.
With those tips in mind, you’re ready to start planning out your greenery. Here are our favorite climbing plants for every garden: