
Here’s Why Healthy Indian Food Is Going to Be Everywhere This Year

indian salad bowl crunchy chickpeas recipe hero

Hey, have you heard of Ayurvedic cooking? Maybe “kitchari bowl” rings a bell?

The holistic approach to mindful eating, which has deep roots in Indian culture, has officially gone mainstream—thanks in part to Gwyneth Paltrow, the champion of yoga-everything, turmeric smoothies and kitchari cleanses.

Expect to also see the hordes of fast-casual salad and poke joints making way for Indian-inspired alternatives, like New York City lunch spot Inday.

And if you’d like to have your—er—spatula on the pulse of home cooking, try whipping up Easy Indian-inspired Kitchari Bowls or an Indian Salad Bowl with Crunchy Chickpeas.

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Food Editor

From 2017 to 2019 Heath Goldman held the role of Food Editor covering food, booze and some recipe development, too. Tough job, eh?