Your friend’s boss is making her work this weekend in order to get everything ready for a big client presentation on Monday. Sure, that’s definitely annoying. And when your spouse complains about his manager getting on his case for being late one morning, you totally get his frustration. These are pretty normal workplace niggles. But what do you do if you’re dealing with someone at work who isn’t just slightly irritating, they’re an actual narcissist?
Per psychologist and author Mateusz Grzesiak, Ph.D. (aka Dr. Matt), it’s more common than you’d think. “Organizations tend to hire narcissists as bosses because they want to have someone who is charismatic and full of himself because he’s going to focus on results,” he tells us. (Note: Dr. Matt tells us that 80 percent of narcissists are men, while the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders puts the number at 50 to 75 percent.)
In fact, the higher up you go, the more likely you are to encounter people with narcissistic traits. “When someone climbs the ladder, it gives them more control,” says Dr. Matt. “And because of the status they have, they can have more admirers. The same way a drug addict is addicted to drugs, a narcissist is addicted to admiration.”
Here are five signs that you may be dealing with a narcissist in the workplace.