
Your Weekly Horoscopes: June 27 to July 3

As we fly into July (how did we already make it halfway through the year?), the cosmic forecast is heating up. This week’s big event comes on the 1st, as aggressive Mars makes an opposition to steady Saturn. Saturn in Aquarius is the part of us that wants to stay inside and get ahead on work. Mars in Leo is the part of us that wants to dive into a hot girl summer full force, neglecting our responsibilities. When these planets are opposed though, we have to develop a strategy that pleases both the rulemaker and the boundary breaker. It’s no surprise that this combination is found in the birth chart of the actor, martial artist and philosopher, Bruce Lee, who made his career about mastering his impulses. With excitable Mars then squaring off with shocking Uranus on the 3rd, encouraging us to break even further from tradition, it’s wise to keep this axiom of Lee’s in mind: “In the middle of chaos lies opportunity.”

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

Since Mars shifted into Leo on June 11th, you’ve been busy doing what makes you happy and TBH, you’re been enjoying spending your time solo. Who needs the stress of social obligations? This week though, your friends want to know why you’re not letting them in on any of your fun. It’s time to share the love.

This week’s mantra: Test your boundaries.

1 taurus

All of your energy has been going to an apartment search or major home renovation project for the last few weeks. But on the 1st, as Saturn opposes Mars, a sudden (and exciting) career opportunity makes you realize that your priorities weren’t in order. That home office might not be necessary if you’re traveling constantly for work, so be willing and able to revise the plan.

This week’s mantra: Be flexible.

2 gemini

It’s always something these days, Gemini. The dreaded check engine light came up on your Prius; your neighborhood coffee shop is permanently closed; your sister is waging a war with your favorite cousin over her choice of destination wedding. On the 1st, you’re reminded that all of these small issues are keeping you from making dedicated progress on your long-term goals. Time to break down what you want into bite sized chunks and get moving.

This week’s mantra: The small things add up.

3 cancer

The Mars-Saturn opposition on the 1st puts a stop to all the excessive spending you’ve been doing this month. It’s time to consider whether your need for instant gratification is keeping you from making worthwhile investments. Maybe skip the upgrade on your Vitamix and put some cash into your puppy fund instead.

This week’s mantra: Do you really need that?

4 leo

Though much of this year has been about putting the needs of the collective before your own, for the last few weeks you’ve said to hell with it all and put yourself first. You don’t want anyone or anything getting in the way of your needs. This mindset slows to a halt on the 1st when you realize a selfish choice you made has harmed (or at the very least annoyed) someone you love. There’s more of this lesson to be learned.

This week’s mantra: Actions have consequences.

5 virgo

Since Mars moved into Leo on June 11th, you’ve been more anxious than usual about anything and everything that could possibly go wrong. Unfortunately, on the 1st, the Mars-Saturn opposition highlights how your constant worry has kept you from completing what actually needs to get done. Meditation is your best option to stay present.

This week’s mantra: What’s going on now?

6 libra

Your social life has been much more active since Mars glided into Leo on June 11th. But let’s be real: Have you been sacrificing your own needs to make your friends happy? The Mars-Saturn opposition on the 1st sends a harsh reminder that only you are responsible for your own joy.

This week’s mantra: Do (like actually do) what you love.

7 scorpio

Mars in Leo thus far (since June 11th) has been all about putting yourself out there. Whether that’s applying for jobs, going on dates or just generally appearing in public way more than you have in the last year. It’s hard work being seen! On the 1st, you’re forced to reckon with some issues at home or with your family. Though you might enjoy the brief hibernation, you can’t hide from the spotlight forever. Keep shining.

This week’s mantra: You can’t hide behind your problems.

8 sagittarius

Since Mars moved into Leo on June 11th, you’ve found your insatiable wanderlust much easier to satisfy. Hikes are happening! Trips are planned! But as Mars clashes with Saturn on the 1st, some local responsibilities keep you from your next great adventure. Don’t let car trouble or sibling rivalry interrupt your dreams. Keeping everyone (and everything) up to date solves many of your problems.

This week’s mantra: Check your levels.


Though you tend to scoff at your parents’ offers to help you out financially, you’ve been struggling in the money department over the last few weeks. On the 1st as Mars clashes with Saturn, you realize that even with the help, you’re still coming up short. Luckily your creative juices are flowing (especially on the 3rd), so you can brainstorm a new side hustle or two.

This week’s mantra: Trust your process.

10 aquarius

Since Mars entered Leo on June 11th, you’ve been dedicated to your partner and neglecting your own needs. As Mars opposes Saturn on the 1st, you hit peak exhaustion and burnout from not taking care of yourself. As some say, no good deed goes unpunished. How can you renegotiate your partnerships and make things more equal?

This week’s mantra: Balance requires conversation.

11 pisces

Since June 11th, Mars has been traveling through your house of hard work. You’ve been pushing yourself to extremes to get ahead with your career, grad school or social obligations. When Mars clashes with Saturn on the 1st, you hit a snag in your progress. The path you’re taking must be reconsidered with sustainability in mind. How can you make better use of what’s already right in front of you?

This week’s mantra: Resources are not infinite.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast