We love our friends and we love our family, but sometimes we delight in being by ourselves. It’s relaxing, and it brings a whole new level of “I got this” independence. Here, five things every woman should do solo--just once in her life.
5 Things Every Woman Should Do Alone Once
You can (and should) go your own way
Go On A Vacation
While a rambling Eat, Pray, Love-style journey of self-discovery is the dream, even a one-night solo stay at a fancy hotel can feel restorative. Nervous to go it alone? Start small by building a little on-your-own time into group vacations. (Getting away from meddling Aunt Marcia is never a bad thing, lest you forget.)
Be A Tourist In Your Own City
If you don’t have any kind of vacation on the horizon, take a solo day trip instead, and rediscover your own city or state. Living in a place, you rarely see it the way outsiders do, so try to mimic the tourist experience and get a new perspective on the sights that surround you.
Go Out To Dinner
Guys, dining alone is awesome. First of all, there’s no pressure to make small talk, meaning you can just chill out and enjoy your rigatoni. Secondly, you can actually focus on eating mindfully--chewing and enjoying what’s on your plate. Thirdly: people watching!
Go To A Movie Or Play
If you’re anxious about going solo to a place where most people will be in groups, a movie is an awesome place to start, since it’s super dark and anonymous and you don’t have to share your popcorn. Bonus: not having to convince anyone to go see the guilty pleasure Nicholas Sparks flick with you at 9 on a Tuesday.
Attend A Party
This one seems intimidating, but once you do it, you’ll realize that it’s not that bad--and an excellent opportunity to expand your social circle or professional network. Plus, if all else fails, you can always whip out one of these five foolproof conversation starters.