
Your September Sex Horoscope

virgo sex scopes

Welcome to Virgo season! During the month of September, the world is embracing all things Virgo, meaning hard work, perseverance and just generally getting s**t done. No matter how long it’s been since you’ve had a real back-to-school, September imbues us all with some classic back-to-school energy. Waking up early to make the most out of your day? Check. Crossing off everything on your to-do list and moving on to your if-I-have-time list? Check. Actually, making it to that 6 a.m. HIIT class you’ve been putting in your calendar since January? Check. Check. Check.

While Virgo season clearly has a ton to bring to your professional life, it can also bring some much-needed clarity to your personal—and by that I do mean sexual—life and relationships. Goals-focused Virgo season is the perfect time to take a clear look at your sex life and objectively assess your needs. Are you really getting what you want? Do you even know what you want? With the aid of Virgo’s hyper-objective eye, you can use this time to make sure everyone is meeting your expectations, both in the boardroom and in the bedroom. Who says you can’t have it all?*

*Capricorns, that’s who.

Your September 2019 Horoscopes

Virgo (august 23 – September 22)

This is your time to shine, Virgo, and with the rest of the world finally getting to your level (sort of), you’re in the perfect place to get what you want in the bedroom. No apologies. You’re not one to suffer fools in your professional life, so why are you suffering them in your personal life? Not loving what’s happening in the bedroom these days? This is the month to speak your mind. Your partner has been waiting for helpful directions, so put on that conductor’s hat and the lead train to where it needs to go. Go out there and get what you want. It’s waiting for you.

Libra (september 23 – October 21) 

Are you making space for new opportunities and experiences? Virgo season is all about clearing old energy and making way for new, better opportunities. That means finally deleting some numbers and muting certain social media pages so you can focus on what’s to come. Aka, stop focusing on failed relationships and make way for something new. Things may not have worked out with your last seven-year relationship or the last seven Hinge dates you went on, but that doesn’t mean the person behind the next door is going to be a bust, too.

Scorpio (october 22 – November 21)

Virgo season has turned you into something of a social butterfly, Scorpio, so why not use that to make some new love connections? Keep an eye out for people outside your usual type and let loose a little bit. And yes, that advice pertains to swiping right on someone who’s shorter than you. Come to think of it, why have you let tiny, unimportant factors decide your love life for you? It’s basically been building a wall around your heart. Open the drawbridge and let something unexpected in.

Sagittarius (november 22 – December 21)

Is your boardroom/bedroom balance out of whack? Virgo season has a lot of career potential for you, but don’t let that come at the expense of your love life. Keep in mind that you can still kill it in your career while leaving your nights free for...other things. Stay up later and wake up earlier. You’re going to want those extra hours in your day to work and play hard. You can sleep when we’re not in such a productive month.

Capricorn (december 22 – January 19)

For the next few weeks you’re going to be wanting to go deep, exploring your deeply held beliefs and philosophies. So why not do the same thing with sex and romance? Subscribe to a new relationship podcast or pick up a new book on dating and see if you can’t challenge or expel some old beliefs that aren’t serving you. You can never go wrong by learning more, and you can never go wrong by teaching your partner more. Information never felt so good.

Aquarius (january 20 – February 18)

This month you’re going to be all about collaboration, and we’re not just talking about a shared Google doc. You’re going to be particularly in tune to the needs of others, so why not use it to dig deeper into your partner’s desires? They could introduce you to some unexplored wants of your own or at the very least provide a fun story for the memoir! Or, outside the bedroom, this could be an ideal month for group dating. That dinner party you’re invited to might be an ideal opportunity to flirt with someone new or play footsie with your lover under the table. 

Pisces (february 19 – March 20)

This month is going to be particularly huge for you in terms of relationships, so make sure you’re letting yourself be open and vulnerable with people, especially those who have already earned your trust. Take some time to think about your past relationships—even the short-lived ones—and try to tally up what worked and what didn’t. You’re great at qualifying a person or a relationship but adding a data set to your love life can help you quantify your needs as well.

Aries (march 21 – April 19)

Virgo season has you reaffirming your trust in yourself, Aries, and there’s no better time to rely on your gut than in your love life. Bad vibes? No time for that! Intrigued? Let’s explore! By listening to your instincts, you can not only lean into your desires without letting shame creep in (“Is this too weird??”), but you can also avoid doing things you don’t want to do for the sake of getting along (“I actually prefer to be touched here.”). Practical Virgo asks, “if we’re not getting what we want out of sex, what’s the point?” Your answer: There’s none!

Taurus (april 20 – May 20)

Taurus is notorious for getting stuck in routines, but Virgo season asks us all to examine how much those routines really serve you. Sure, the sexual routines with your partner might feel safe and comfortable, but are you relying on them too much and missing out on the chance to explore? Virgo season is all about being the best that you can be, and that goes double for the bedroom. You’re never going to find new things you like if you don’t actually try new things so ditch the routine and find what actually works for you!

Gemini (may 21 – June 20)

Virgo season is all about cleaning out your closet, literally and figuratively. It’s time to examine and release old ideas about sex and dating and let go of those old hang-ups and relationships that are holding you back from getting what you want. Replaying old relationships or steamy sexual encounters just blinds you to what's right in front of you, stopping you from having new, better experiences. Say goodbye to the relationships, hookups and best-sex-I-ever-hads of the past and get ready to be flooded with new opportunities for the future. 

Cancer (june 21 – July 22)

No matter what your current romantic goals are, it’s going to take some work to get them. Lucky for you “work” and “Virgo season” go hand-in-hand. What do you want for your love life and how can you achieve it? If your goal is a relationship, what are you doing to do to make that happen? Are you looking for partners with the same intention? If your goal is to keep things casual and date around, are you being upfront about that with your partners to avoid drama down the line? By going into a relationship with your goals in mind, you are more likely to get what you want. 

Leo (july 23 – August 22) 

It may come as a surprise that Leo—the performer of the Zodiac—may suffer from performance anxiety, but even the lion must battle some stage fright once in a while. Image-conscious Leos can sometimes find themselves not advocating for their needs in the bedroom, fearing how it’ll make them look or of causing awkward tension. But not during Virgo season! Virgo doesn’t have time for things that don’t serve them, which means they definitely don’t have time for lazy lovers or fake pleasure. Fight the desire to “perform” sexiness, and you might find a more real sensuality come naturally to you.

The Ultimate Virgo Gift Guide

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