
Rachel McAdams’s Latest Magazine Shoot Features High Fashion, Fine Jewelry and...a Breast Pump

Rachel McAdams is on the cover of a magazine. (High-end fashion magazine Girls. Girls. Girls., to be specific.) That, in and of itself, isn't groundbreaking. She's a beautiful actress, and it makes sense. What is special is that, for one of the shots, McAdams is wearing Versace—and a breast pump. 

It's not just for show: McAdams gave birth to her first son last April and, according to the photographer behind the stunning image, she was pumping during the shoot. 

In a separate Instagram post, photographer Claire Rothstein wrote, "A million reasons why I wanted to post this picture. Obviously #rachelmcadams looks incredible and was quite literally the dream to work with but also this shoot was about 6 months post her giving birth to her son, so between shots she was expressing/pumping as still breastfeeding. We had a mutual appreciation disagreement about who’s idea it was to take this picture but I’m still sure it was hers which makes me love her even more. Breastfeeding is the most normal thing in the world and I can’t for the life of me imagine why or how it is ever frowned upon or scared of. I don’t even think it needs explaining but just wanted to put this out there, as if it even changes one person’s perception of something so natural, so normal, so amazing then that’s great. Besides she’s wearing Versace and @bulgariofficial diamonds and is just [f*#&ing] major. Big shout out to all the girls."

A gorgeous and important statement, if you ask us. 

sarah stiefvater

Wellness Director

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