We’ve had so many questions since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they’re stepping down as senior members of the royal family. For example, will the Duke and Duchess of Sussex be required to bow and curtsy to the entire royal family now that they’ve stopped using their HRH titles?
Will Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Be Required to Bow & Curtsy to the Remaining Royals?

In a recent interview with People magazine, Myka Meier—royal expert and author of Modern Etiquette Made Easy—discussed Queen Elizabeth’s latest announcement, which confirmed Prince Harry and Markle will “not use their HRH titles” after the transition period.
Unfortunately, the vague statement didn’t reveal what it really means for the royal couple. “It all is a bit murky,” Meier said. “Now that they are keeping their HRH titles but not using them, the order of curtsy would stay the same as it has been since Meghan married into the family.”
You see, working and non-working members of the royal family are required to curtsy to anyone who outranks them. (That’s why Markle curtsied for the queen even after marrying Prince Harry.) Although the couple won’t use their HRH titles, they haven’t necessarily abandoned their place in the line of succession (at least that hasn’t been announced), which is why it won’t affect the protocol.
This means Prince Harry and Markle will still have to bow and curtsy for higher-ranked royals, including Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Camilla Parker Bowles, Prince William and Kate Middleton. Protocol will stay the same for everyone else—like cousins Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, who don’t require a formal greeting.
Shortly after the first announcement, PureWow sat down for an exclusive interview with Meier, who shared her thoughts on what the future holds for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Since their ultimate goal is to become “financially independent,” the royal expert confirmed that Markle could get back in the acting game.
“Stepping down as a senior royal means there are other opportunities financially that will open,” Meier told PureWow. “For instance, will Meghan go back to work? Will she begin acting again? We know that’s one of her biggest passions. So, she will have the ability to do that with this new move.”
The more you know.