
Umm, Prince Charles’s Gardening Ritual Is...Pretty Interesting

Prince Charles is known for many things. But two, in particular, stand out to us: his love of the environment and his impressive green thumb. And now we’ve learned something rather interesting about the latter—specifically, something he likes to do every time he plants a tree.

In honor of the launch of BBC Countryfile's new campaign, Plant Britain, the Prince of Wales recently shared a message to emphasize the important impact planting and gardening has on the environment. “As someone with a passion for planting trees, I can only encourage you all to get planting for Plant Britain.,” he said in a video on Instagram.

However, it was part of the caption of the post that really caught our attention, reading, “Did you know that after HRH plants a tree, he often gives a branch a friendly shake to wish it well?” Interesting. But we’re open to anything that will improve our gardening skills.

The caption continued, “Plant Britain is a two-year project launching this month with the goal of planting 750,000 trees—one for every child in the U.K. starting primary school this year. The launch show will demonstrate just how much our trees and plants contribute to the health of the planet and how they act as vital, life-support systems for wildlife, insects and pollinators. An online interactive map will enable viewers, right across the U.K., to log their planting; whether it is a tree, a plant, or a packet of seeds."

Next time we plant a tree, we’ll be sure to shake its hand branch.

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