“First my mom drinks her Goop Glow super powder and she eats nothing except for dates and almond butter. So she will have that,” Apple said in the footage. “I suppose the Goop Glow is a part of her cleanse, which she's been on since...the day I was born, apparently.” How clever.
In a longer version of the clip (which no longer seems to be available on TikTok), the teenager then went on to explain her mom’s skincare routine and working on Goop products. “It's 8 a.m., and she's been doing this since 7 a.m. She just prances around the bathroom, putting on her millions of Goop Glow products for her glowing skin. Then she gets to work, making some more vagina eggs. And candles, also vagina candles, and vagina perfumes. Just everything vagina.” Of course, the clip was all in good fun.
We also couldn’t help but notice that the mother-daughter duo looks like twins. And we’re not just talking about the hair color. The two also share the same eye shape, nose and smile. Even their voices sound similar at times.
We need more Apple TikToks, please.
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