The designer, Herpen, also shared a snap of his stunning creation on Instagram and detailed how the dress was made. He wrote, "Hugely honored to design for the groundbreaking @GabUnion. We created Gabrielle her custom look passionately for this year's Met Gala, thousands of spheres are cut and layerd in size gradients from a translucent white ‘liquid’ fabric and lasercut with a fine silver outline, to then be hand-stitched seamlessly in a multilevel optical illusion from which waves seem to float down weightlessly."
While speaking with W magazine, Herpen also opened up about what it was like to collaborate with Union. He said, "From the moment I met her, I felt inspired by her ambition to drive positive change on so many levels of today’s society. I wanted to create a garment in perfect symbiosis with her and her ambitions, to show her beautiful mind to the world, and to embody our shared vision for a better future."
All we can say is, mission accomplished.
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