The clip opens on Celeste (Nicole Kidman) trying to adjust to life without her late husband, Perry (Alexander Skarsgård).
“People are never really gone,” Mary Louise says in a voiceover. “They live on in the hearts of those they leave behind.”
The teaser goes on to preview what we all saw coming: Mary Louise can’t take a hint. “There are boundaries, Mary Louise,” Celeste says.
While it’s unclear what Celeste is talking about, we have a feeling that Mary Louise takes her snooping one step too far. “I let her in my life. I let her in my house. I trusted her,” Celeste adds.
The trailer concludes with Bonnie (Zoë Kravitz) standing in what appears to be a hospital, while a detective watches her from afar.
So, does Mary Louise find something that will incriminate the Monterey Five? Or is she simply sticking her nose in places it doesn’t belong? Guess we’ll have to wait until season two of Big Little Lies returns to HBO next Sunday, June 30, at 6 p.m. ET/9 p.m. PT.