The Mandalorian, Disney's first Star Wars TV show, was released earlier this month on their brand new streaming platform Disney+. And in that time, it has accomplished something that was seemingly impossible—the new show is cherished by both casual and die-hard Star Wars fans.
Details before the release of The Mandalorian were something of a whisper. All we knew was that it would follow the titular bounty hunter on his adventures across a familiar galaxy. What was teased in every trailer was the line, "Bounty hunting is a complicated profession."
And, in fact, it wasn't until the end of the first episode that we found out why that line was used in almost every trailer. Episode One of the show ends with the Mandalorian acquiring one of the most valuable bounties in the galaxy. The asset is this cute little fifty-year-old baby who strongly resembles a character that all fans love, Yoda.
So, here is everything we know about this adorable creature that made our heart grow five times larger and can melt all of the ice on Hoth (this might sound over the top but there's a reason the plush toy version of tiny Yoda is going to rule the holiday season).