We’re partnering with The Second Shift, a company that connects businesses with a network of women experts-for-hire, to ask successful women to spill on the nitty-gritty secrets to their success.
Busy moms across the universe can attest: The juggle is real. But it’s made a lot more complicated by the lack of an iron-clad scheduling system that prioritizes not just organization but communication. (Anyone else struggle with always—always—being on the same page as their spouse when it comes to where they’re supposed to be and when?)
Enter this genius system from the CEO of Hill House Home: As a mom of one in a household where both parents work full-time, Nell Diamond swears by this technique for keeping her and her husband accountable to—and one step ahead of—their calendar. Here, she talks us through it so we can replicate the concept stat.
Spill. What’s the system? In a nutshell, Diamond and her husband have set up a plan where anytime they’re doing something that falls outside of regular work hours, they send each other a calendar invite for it—whether the other person is invited or not. The goal of the invite is visibility, but also to serve as a reminder of future plans. (For the record, they use their Google calendar for this.)