In case you missed it, REESE’S announcement that they were changing their peanut butter cups was met with an uproar from fans (“NOOOO!”) until they found out the change: a creamy layer of caramel added to the classic REESE’S peanut butter cup (“YESSSS!”). Social media, as always, had a lot to say, but particularly on the subject of the new REESE’S Caramel Big Cups. See two of our favorite reactions from TikTok below.
REESE’S Big Announcement Gets an Even Bigger Reaction from These TikTokers
We could listen to TikToker Sheldon extol the virtues of “glovebox snacks” all day, but especially when he shows off the new and improved REESE’S Caramel Big Cups with “SO much caramel… It’s like an explosion of flavors,” he states in his enthusiastic review above.
What better way to get through a video call that’s running over than a sweet treat? If foodie Amanda took herself off mute we bet her coworkers would be rushing to the store to grab their own REESE’S Caramel Big Cups.